Thursday, February 12, 2009


Tonight was a crazy day. We are here in Utah, just litteraly two days before our wedding. So...because of that, we have been getting everything ready for the endowment session tomorrow, and the wedding. We got all of Brittany's temple clothes, dresses for the cruise, and our totaly amazing awesome marriage liscence.
So, tomorrow Brittany is getting her endowments out, and then the following day..."Du-du-du-du!!!".....Our wedding day! We are WAY excited. I can't way to see my super-fly grooms-men (Brad-brother-in-law; Juarez-brother-in-law; Matt-cousin) in the tuxedos of hottness. Brittany's bride's maids are gonna be pretty cool too. lol.
Anyways, we were excited, so we had to blog about it since we won't have time to update 'till after the honeymoon. MARRIAGE WILL BE AWESOME!!! lol :o)


amberkei said...

Congratulations! We're so excited for you both!

Alicia Jane said...

I'm sitting here cursing the weather for you! (and for me). Let's just hope that if it has to snow, that it won't be that rain/snow mix but will be those nice big soft snowflakes!! I'll keep praying tonight:0) Taking pictures will be...interesting! (but oh so beautiful too!)

Michelle's family said...

Congratulations! We hope it was wonderful.