Friday, May 29, 2009

Pinewood Derby

In case you guys don't know Travis is the Cub Master at our Ward so recently we had the pinewood derby. It was my first time being a part of it. I unfortunatly forgot my camera for it, but I was lucky enough to be able to make a cake for the event. I added cars to it later, once we got to the church, but this is the finished product. I had so much fun making it, and even more fun at the derby. The kids were all so excited and rooting for eachother, but I think that the parent's just got a little more into it than the kids. It was funny. We all had a blast. The kids had to take driving tests and recieved their licenses. We made one for Alex too, but unfortunatly it got left in his pocket and it went through the wash. But it was fun while it lasted.

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